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Dividing In Lagrange basis when one of the points is zero - Generalised


We restate the problem, however we do not assume that the elements in the domain are roots of unity.

We have f(X)g(X)=f(X)Xxm=i=0d1fiLi(X)Xxm\frac{f(X)}{g(X)} = \frac{f(X)}{X - x_m} = \sum_{i=0}^{d-1} {f_i\frac{\mathcal{L_i(X)}}{X - x_m}}

Lagrange polynomial

We briefly restate the formula for a lagrange polynomial:

Li(X)=ji,j=0Xxjxixj\mathcal{L_i}(X) = \prod_{j \neq i, j = 0}\frac{X -x_j}{x_i - x_j}

The i'th lagrange polynomial evaluated at xix_i is 1 and 0 everywhere else on the domain

First form of the barycentric interpolation formula

We introduce the polynomial A(X)=(Xx0)(Xx1)...(Xxn)A(X) = (X - x_0)(X - x_1)...(X-x_n).

We also introduce the derivative of A(X)=j=0d1ij(Xxi)A'(X) = \sum_{j=0}^{d-1}\prod_{i \neq j}(X - x_i) .

You can derive this yourself by generalising the product rule:

In general this derivative does not have a succint/sparse form. We do have a succint form if the domain is the roots of unity!

Now note that A(xj)=i=0,ij(xjxi)A'(x_j) = \prod_{i=0,i \neq j}(x_j - x_i)

If we plug in xkx_k into A(X)A'(X) all the terms with XxkX - x_k will vanish, this is why the sum disappears into a single product.

We can use AA and AA' to re-define our lagrange polynomial as :

Li(X)=A(X)A(xi)(Xxi)\mathcal{L_i}(X) = \frac{A(X)}{A'(x_i) (X - x_i)}

Looking at the original lagrange formula, A(xi)A'(x_i) is the denominator and A(X)Xxi\frac{A(X)}{X - x_i} is the numerator.

The first barycentric form for a polynomial f(X)f(X) can now be defined as :

f(X)=i=0d1A(X)A(xi)(Xxi)fif(X) = \sum_{i=0}^{d-1}{\frac{A(X)}{A'(x_i) (X - x_i)} f_i}


  • A(X)A(X) is not dependent on the values of fif_i and so can be brought out of the summation.
  • A(X)A'(X) is only dependent on the domain, so it can be precomputed, along with A(X)A(X)

Re-defining the quotient

Note that our original problem was that:

i=0d1fiLi(X)Xxm\sum_{i=0}^{d-1} {f_i\frac{\mathcal{L_i(X)}}{X - x_m}}

Had a XxmX - x_m term in the denominator. We will use the first form as a way to get rid of this.

First we rewrite Li(X)Xxm\frac{\mathcal{L_i(X)}}{X - x_m} using the first form:

Li(X)Xxm=A(X)A(xi)(Xxi)(Xxm)\frac{\mathcal{L_i}(X)}{X - x_m} = \frac{A(X)}{A'(x_i) (X - x_i)(X-x_m)}

We then note that:

A(X)=Lm(X)A(xm)(Xxm)A(X) = \mathcal{L_m}(X) \cdot A'(x_m) \cdot (X - x_m)

I just re-arranged the formula for the first form to equal A(X)A(X) for Lm(X)\mathcal{L_m}(X)

We can hence plug this into our previous equation:

Li(X)Xxm=Lm(X)A(xm)(Xxm)A(xi)(Xxi)(Xxm)\frac{\mathcal{L_i}(X)}{X - x_m} = \frac{\mathcal{L_m}(X) \cdot A'(x_m) \cdot (X - x_m)}{A'(x_i) (X - x_i)(X-x_m)}

Simplifying since we have a XxmX - x_m in the numerator and denominator:

Li(X)Xxm=A(xm)Lm(X)A(xi)(Xxi)\frac{\mathcal{L_i}(X)}{X - x_m} = \frac{A'(x_m) \cdot \mathcal{L_m}(X) }{A'(x_i)\cdot (X - x_i)}

This is the exact same formula that we had in Dankrad's post, but generalised! To see this, we note that when the elements in the domain are roots of unity; A(xk)=d(xk)d1=dxkA'(x_k) = d(x^k)^{d-1} = dx^{-k}

The nice simplifcation here is due to two reasons: roots of unity form a cyclic group, and we can succintly represent the d'th roots of unity in a sparse equation Xd1X^d -1 which is nice to derivate.

We have now re-defined q(X)q(X) to not include XxmX-x_m !

We now summarise and state that:

q(X)=i=0d1fiLi(X)Xxm=fiA(xm)Lm(X)A(xi)(Xxi)q(X) = \sum_{i=0}^{d-1} f_i \frac{\mathcal{L_i}(X)}{X - x_m} = f_i \frac{A'(x_m) \cdot \mathcal{L_m}(X) }{A'(x_i)\cdot (X - x_i)}

Explicit formulas for each case

Computing qmq_m

when dealing with the point which vanishes on zero, the above formula becomes:

Note: Lm(xm)=1\mathcal{L_m}(x_m) = 1

qm=q(xm)=i=0d1A(xm)A(xi)fixmxiq_m = q(x_m) = \sum_{i=0}^{d-1}\frac{A'(x_m)}{A'(x_i)} \frac{f_i}{x_m - x_i}

Computing qjq_j

For the case that the evaluation does not vanish on the domain, we can use the original formula.

For all jmj \neq m

qj=q(xj)=i=0d1fiLi(xj)xjxmq_j = q(x_j) = \sum_{i=0}^{d-1} f_i \frac{\mathcal{L_i}(x_j)}{x_j - x_m}

We note that the terms of the sum are zero, except for when i=ji=j, hence we can simplify this to be:

qj=fjxjxmq_j = \frac{f_j}{x_j - x_m}


If we use the formulas as shown above, qmq_m will take dd steps due to the sum, and qjq_j will take d1d-1 steps. We describe a way to reduce this complexity in the code.

1. Rewrite qmq_m in terms of qjq_j

Note that if we multiply qmq_m by 11\frac{-1}{-1} we get:

qm=q(xm)=i=0d1A(xm)A(xi)fixixmq_m = q(x_m) = -\sum_{i=0}^{d-1}\frac{A'(x_m)}{A'(x_i)} \frac{f_i}{x_i - x_m}

We can now substite in qiq_i

qm=q(xm)=i=0d1A(xm)A(xi)qiq_m = q(x_m) = -\sum_{i=0}^{d-1}\frac{A'(x_m)}{A'(x_i)} q_i

2. Removing field inversions in qjq_j

Note that qjq_j has a division which is many times more expensive than a field multiplication. We now show a way to precompute in such a way that we do not need to invert elements.

With the roots of unity, we were able to use the fact that they formed a group.

Again note that:

qj=fjxjxmq_j = \frac{f_j}{x_j - x_m}


For our case where the domain is the discrete interval [0,255][0, 255]

We only need to precompute 1xi\frac{1}{x_i} for xi[255,255]x_i \in [-255, 255]. This is 510 values, so we would store 510 * 32 = 16Kb.

How would I lookup these values?

First we imagine that we have stored the values in an array:

[11,12,13,14...1255,11,12,...1255][\frac{1}{1}, \frac{1}{2}, \frac{1}{3}, \frac{1}{4}... \frac{1}{255},\frac{1}{-1},\frac{1}{-2},...\frac{1}{-255}]

We first note that we can easily get from 1k\frac{1}{k} to 1k\frac{1}{-k} in the array by jumping forward 255 indices. Our strategy will be to find 1k\frac{1}{k} then jump to 1k\frac{1}{k} if we need to.


We want to compute 10255\frac{1}{0 - 255}.

  • Compute the abs(0255)=255=iabs(0-255) = 255 = i

In practice, we can use an if statement to check whether 255 or 0 is larger, and subtract accordingly.

  • Note that 1i\frac{1}{i} is at index i1i-1
  • Since our original computation was 02550 - 255 which is negative, we need to get the element at index i1+255i - 1 + 255

3. Precompute A(xm)A(xi)\frac{A'(x_m)}{A'(x_i)}

With the roots of unity, we did not need this optimisation as A(xm)A(xi)\frac{A'(x_m)}{A'(x_i)} equaled ωiωm\frac{\omega^i}{\omega^m} which was trivial to fetch from the domain.

For this, we will need to store precomputed values, if we want to efficiently compute qmq_m in O(d)O(d) steps, and to also avoid inversions.

(Dankrad): We precompute A(xi)A'(x_i) and 1A(xi)\frac{1}{A'(x_i)}. Given that we have 256 points in the domain. This will cost us 256 2 32 bytes = 16kB.

How would I lookup these values?

Similar to the previous optimisation, we store A(xi)A'(x_i) in an array.

[A(0),A(1),A(2),A(3)...A(255),1A(0),1A(1),1A(2),...1A(255)][A'(0), A'(1), A'(2), A'(3)... A'(255),\frac{1}{A'(0)},\frac{1}{A'(1)},\frac{1}{A'(2)},...\frac{1}{A'(255)}]


We want to compute A(0)A(5)\frac{A'(0)}{A'(5)}

  • We can fetch A(0)A'(0) by looking up the element at index 00 in the array.
  • We can fetch 1A(5)\frac{1}{A'(5)} by looking up the element at index 5, then jumping forward 256 positions.

In general:

  • To fetch A(xi)A(x_i) we need to fetch the element at index ii
  • To fetch 1A(xi)\frac{1}{A(x_i)} we need to fetch the element at index i+256i + 256

Evaluate polynomial in evaluation form on a point outside of the domain

Suppose zz is a point outside of the domain.

f(z)=i=0d1fiLi(z)=i=0d1A(z)A(xi)(zxi)fi=A(z)i=0d1fiA(xi)(zxi)f(z) = \sum_{i=0}^{d-1}f_i\mathcal{L_i}(z) = \sum_{i=0}^{d-1}{\frac{A(z)}{A'(x_i) (z - x_i)} f_i} = A(z)\sum_{i=0}^{d-1}\frac{f_i}{A'(x_i)(z-x_i)}
  • We already store precomputations for 1A(xi)\frac{1}{A'(x_i)}
  • We should compute zxiz-x_i separately, then batch invert using the montgomery trick, so that we only pay for one inversion.